In this experiment I learned that you should have all
your proper materials and manage your time wisely. Our group had no high
temperature tolerant glass jars and both that we put up cracked and made a huge
mess. Time pressure was a big factor here we did not manage our time wisely
that why we weren’t able to complete the procedures. Our group repeated the
experiment yet again to try to avoid the mistakes we made in the first place.
We were more successful this round because instead of glass jars for boiling we
used the boiler for heating the mixtures. We still didn’t manage our time
wisely. We only managed to complete two esters and we didn’t even test the pH
for those specific esters.
My group panicked when the glass jars cracked I was
just calm but they were shouting and pulling me back. This is what the group
should’ve done. It’s a glass jar that cracked it won’t kill you and the liquid
inside was just water. The group should’ve calmly moved back let the water flow
out and then clean it up later.
All in all our group made many mistakes and we learned
from them. I enjoyed this activity very much because we created something from
virtually nothing. It was really amazing that combining an organic acid with an
alcohol would create a smells that I would usually associate with perfume.